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Roadmap to a regulatory framework of SMR webinar

The webinar was organized by VTT on 23.3.2022

Small modular reactors (SMRs) are foreseen as a competitive, low-carbon technology option for future integrated energy systems. The growing interest for SMRs springs from the inherent safety features, simplification, and standardization of the designs. These features make the nuclear capacity far easier and more economic to deploy and adding significant advancements in terms of overall flexibility of nuclear energy in meeting future energy needs.

R&D efforts are making significant progress towards proof of concept, maturity and deployment of demonstration plants, but the challenge remains in the currently heavy licensing process. The challenge also brings the opportunity to enhance and streamline the licensing process and regulations.

Here, in a nutshell, the current status and the roadmap to a regulatory framework of SMR technology deployment in Finland are presented, where regulations and decision-makers are discussed along the different stages of the licensing process. Special emphasis is given to SMR technology for district heating.


SMR licensing aspects, Kirsi Hassinen, BU Director for Licensing, Platom

Elements of SMR licensing roadmap for Finland, Juhani Hyvärinen, Professor, LUT

Webinar summary

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