EcoSMR and dECOmm Final Seminar (23.11.2022)
Presentations [PDF]
Ville Tulkki, VTT: Licensing and siting of SMRs
Juhani Hyvärinen, LUT: Streamlined licensing process
Paula Keto, VTT (SMRSiMa): GTK study – SMR plant and repository siting
Mikko Ilvonen, VTT: Review of SMR siting and emergency preparedness
Jaakko Leppänen, VTT: Economical risks in licensing and available tools for safety analysis
Heating reactor prospects
Heikki Suikkanen, LUT: Design requirements for a Finnish district heating reactor considering domestic deployment and export potential
AEP group, Aalto University: Carbon footprint of district heating reactors
Tomi J. Lindroos, VTT: Investment analysis in Finnish capital region and in the Baltic region
EcoSMR Company projects
Jaakko Ylätalo, Fortum: Nuclear Heat as a Service – Analysis of business models
Riku Turkia, Refinec: Improving manufacturing capabilities and welding quality in favor of SMRs and related equipment
Juha Poikola, TVO: EcoSMR project implications on TVO’s scope of work
Olli Soppela: Round Table and Interview Key Takeaways
Rebekka Komu, VTT: Load following and transient analysis LDR-50
Merja Airola & Matti Kojo (SMRSiMa): Societal acceptability of SMR plants
dECOmm project results
Markus Airila, VTT: Learnings from FiR1 decommissioning
Tatu Harviainen, VTT: Robot demos in dECOmm project
Daniel Kaartinen, VTT: Future decommissioning market in Europe
Ilkka Karanta, VTT: Risk ontology methods in decommissioning
Jyrki Jauhiainen, Sweco: Sweco company project results
Otso Manninen & Ville Oinonen, Fortum: Fortum company project results
Paula Keto, VTT (SMRSiMa): SMR spent fuel characteristics and waste management
Olli Soppela, VTT: dECOmm main take aways and way forward
Ville Tulkki, VTT: EcoSMR main take aways and way forward